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- Exhibitions | Zuzanacizkova
ABOUT Study: Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Fine arts, Studio Kurt Gebauer Secondary Industrial School of Stonemasonry and Sculpture in Hořice v Podkrkonoší, majoring in stone sculpture Internships: Atelier für Stein Stehlik in Basel, Switzerland (sculpture) in the studio of sculptors Josef Stehlík and Ludwig Stocker Studio of Olbram Zoubek in Prague. Stone sculpture studio in the Carrara quarries in Italy Internship in France in Paris (sculpture, painting, graphics, video) in the studio of academic sculptor Vladimír Škoda Internship with the painter Miloš Síkora in Paris, France (painting) In 2004, she was accepted into the UNION OF PROFESSIONAL FINE ARTISTS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC. Valuation: In 2005, she represented the Czech Republic at the 116th SALON DES INDÉPENDANTS in Paris, based on France's call to the new member states of the European Union to select one young artist under the age of 30 to represent their country at this prestigious exhibition. Subsequently, at the invitation of the organizers, she exhibited here in 2006 and 2007 In 2009 she won the contemporary art award in the competition Wintontrain - inspiration by good - Prague - London Her work in the field of painting, graphics and drawing is represented in private collections in the Czech Republic and abroad Video art entitled "Voyage dans la sph? Re de ciel - ciel de sph? Re" was selected for presentation at the festival "Instants Vidéo Numériques et poétiques" in Aix en Provence in Exile d'Art, October 28, 2010 Solo exhibitions: •Dvacet pět let od první samostatné výstavy, zámek Dobřichovice, 30. 8-17.9. 2024 •Zuzana Cizkova-La galerie Thuillier expose, 13 rue de Thorigny, Paříž, Francie, 31. 8.-15. 12. 2009 •Putovní výstava kreseb a maleb tuší, akvarelem a tužkou, Woonsocket, Richmond, Georgetown a Marrison, USA, 2005-2007 •Čížek u Slavíka, Praha 2, Rašínovo nábřeží, (A)VOID GALLERY, 2010 •Kousek cesty Galerie 9, Vysočanská radnice, Sokolovská ulice, Praha 9, 2017 •Mémoire du Futur-Paměť Budoucnosti NKP Vyšehrad, Gorlice, spolu s francouzskou malířkou Valexií, 2007 •Romantická krajina, Creative Gate, Jindřišská pasáž, Praha 1, 2015 •Cesta do Brandýsa, klub Kočár, kočárovna brandýského zámku, 2016 •Obrazy Zuzany Čížkové, Hellichova ulice, kostel sv. Vavřince, Praha 1, v areálu Pražského jara, 2016 •C'est moi-moje cesta, GKK, Kostel svatého Vavřince, Klatovy, 2014 •Rozmary policejního rady, Policejní muzeum, Ke Karlovu 1, Praha 2 (2013) •Zuzana Čížková na FinFestu, Praha 9, 2022 •Návrat obrazů Zuzany Čížkové, Hellichova ulice, kostel sv. Vavřince, Praha 1, v areálu Pražského jara, 2017 •Oltáře obětovaného času, Galerie kaple Jana Nepomuckého, Jungmannovo náměstí, Praha 1, sochy Zuzana Čížková, fotografie Radim Beznoska, 2004 •Až po uši v betonu , Hradec Králové, při příležitosti mezinárodní betonářské konference, 2010 •Sochy na tůře Mariánské Lázně, 2004 •Komunikace-symbióza člověka s přírodou, salónek Panské zahrady, Dobřichovice, 22.2.-28.6. 2024 •Výstava Zuzany Čížkové při příležitosti křtu knihy Svinka řádí, Café galerie Bím, Dobřichovice, 2022 •Plastické iluze, Okresní muzeum Praha-východ v Brandýse nad Labem, 2004 •Malý salon-Netradičně klasické, výstavní síň Městského muzea v Čelákovicích, 2002 •Malý salon-Detaily, výstavní síň Městského muzea v Čelákovicích, 1999 Selection from collective exhibitions: Prague 1, Prague Castle, Empire Greenhouse in the Royal Garden, "I will not dismiss", Master Jan Hus 2015 Prague 1, Royal Festival, Empire Greenhouse in the Royal Garden, Prague Castle, "Royal Festival", 2016 France, Paris, Rue de Thorigny, Contemporary Art Gallery, Les Toiles de L´eté 2013 France, Paris, Grand Palais, Champs Elysées Clémenceau, Art and Capital 2007 France, Paris, Rue de Thorigny, Contemporary Art Gallery, Le Salon de Novembre 2009 Itálie, Řím, Basilica Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, La Bibbia ceca nel corso dei secoli Belgie, Brusel, Presidents' Gallery-European Commission, Czech Bible through the Centuries France, Paris, l'Espace Champerret, Salon des Artistes Independants 2006 France, Paris, lspEspace Champerret, Salon des Artistes Indépendants 2005 Prague 1, National Museum, Wintontrain 2009 Prague 1, Karolinum Gallery, Czech Bible through the centuries Austria, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Vienna, Mädel Knödel 2011 Prague 1, Kampa, Garden of the Liechtenstein Palace, Exhibition of Sculptures and Objects 2010 Verszém, Cellar Gallery, Art house, H-8200 - W Prague 1, Wenceslas Square. 13, Gallery art factors, Chaos of the big city Oronsko-Ostrava, INTERNATIONAL WARZZATATY RZEZBIARSKIE-MY-WY-RAZEM Prague 1, Jungmannova 21, 4 + 4 + 4 days in motion, 2006 A world without decay? Prague, NKP Vyšehrad, Gorlice, Lughnasadh 2005 Prague 1, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Motifs by Josef Mánes, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague Today Prague 2, Kateřinská zahrada, Nothing to show off ...? Kačina Castle, Lughnasadh 07 Písek, Práchen Museum, Czech Bible over the centuries Křivoklát Castle, Romanticism and several dozen other exhibitions ...... :) Every year he exhibits in the Rabas Gallery Rakovník together with Central Bohemian artists and on the occasion of the Central Bohemian Triennial of Contemporary Art. Sculptural realizations in the Czech Republic: statue of Milenko Rudolf II, garden of the Chateau in Brandýs nad Labem - cement mixture, height 170 cm relief "Life is beautiful, be happy and be happy!" - colored concrete, relief width 700 cm, Holečkova street, Prague 5 - Smíchov three statues "Madonna's Secret", Starý Prosek, Prague 9 - marble, sandstone, granite, height of one statue 90 cm monument to the artist Ludvík Kuba, Sady Ludvík Kuba, Poděbrady, height 200 cm, concrete combined with ceramic elements St. Anežka, náměstí sv. Anežky, Poděbrady - artificial stone, total height of the monument 220 cm St. Florián, Železný Újezd - sandstone, height 300cm Praryba, Spálené Poříčí - sandstone, height about 180 cm statue RANO-RARA-KU, Hořice v Podkrkonoší - sandstone, height 165 cm statue of the Mammoth Tusk, Ostrava, Landek open-air museum complex - marble, height 300 cm She has participated in seven international sculpture symposia in the Czech Republic and Switzerland and organized 2 symposia focused on concrete.
- About | Zuzanacizkova
CV Natočili o autorce Napsali o autorce BIO ABOUT Zuzana Čížková also known as Zuzana Klára Čížková is a Czech sculptor and painter. STUDIES: Academy of Art Architecture and Design in Prague, studio Kurt Gebauer High school of stone craft, Hořice v Podkrkonoší. INTERSHIP : Studio for stone Josef Stehlik and Ludwig Stocker, Switzerland (Basil). Studio for stone, Italy (Carrara). Painter studio Miloš Síkora, Paris, France. Sculptor studio Vladinír Škoda, France (Montel, Lyon and Paris). Sculptor studio Olbram Zoubek in Prague. AWARDS: In 2005 she represented Czech Republic in the 116th SALON DES ARTISTES INDÉPENDANTS Paris. Only one representant of each EU country was allowed. Based on this presentation, Zuzana Čížková got invited to these fine art salons directly by the French organizers, but also by private galleries. In 2009 she received price for a contemporary art Wintontrain, Inspiration by goodness, Prague – London for a relief sculpture with the motif of a hand depicting the text I LOVE (MILUJI) with the finger alphabet SCULPTURE REALISATIONS (SELECTION) 2011 relief about sign language, wide 700 cm, Holečkova street, Smíchov,Prague 2010 Madonino tajemství, (Madonna's Secret ) three stone sculptures, height of each approx. 90 cm, Prosek, Prague 2008 sculpture Milenka Rudolfa II (Mistress of the Emperor Rudolf II), in the garden of Brandýs nad Labem castle - concrete, height 170 cm 2011 sculpture sv. Anežka, stone, height 220 cm, Poděbrady 2008 sculpture Vodníci se hlásí o svá práva (Water spirits have own rights), Šluknov - concrete, height circa 100 cm 2014 Ludvík Kuba, concrete, 200 x 150 x 50 cm 2006 sculpture Mamutí kel (Ivory of mammoth), Ostrava, Landek – stone, height 300 cm 2004 sculpture Motýl (Butterfly), Nový Dvůr – stone, height circa 175 cm 2004 sculpture Praryba (Primitive fish), Spálené Poříčí - stone, height circa 180 cm 2003 sculpture sv. Florián (St. Florian), Železný Újezd - stone, height 300 cm 2002 sculpture Angel, Hořice v Podkrkonoší - stone, height circa 150 cm 2003 sculpture RANO-RARA-KU, Hořice v Podkrkonoší - stone, height 165 cm SCULPTURE REALISATION (outside Czech Republic) Zrození králů (Birth of Kings) Austria, Vienna metal,190 x 200 x 200 cm , 2010 – 2013 SELECTION OF EXHIBITIONS: Praha 6, Dejvice, ČVUT, Jugoslávkých partyzánů, Cesta za Duhou (Journey to the Rainbow), 3-24. 11. 2022 Rabasova galerie Rakovník, Členská výstava sdružení středočeských výtvarníků (Member exhibition of the Association of Central Bohemian Artists), 11. 9.-23.10. 2022 Beroun, Městská galerie v Berouně, Členská výstava středočeských výtvarníků (Member exhibition of the Association of Central Bohemian Artists), 30.11.-30.12. 2022 Slovensko, Žilina, Auction House Groma s.r.o. , Významné diela súčasného slovenského a českého umenia (Important works of contemporary Slovak and Czech art), 1.2.-30.4. 2021 Od roku 2012 pravidelně vystavuje v Rabasově galerii na každoročních výstavách Středočeských výtvarníků. Prague Castle, Prague 1, CZ. KAREL IV. TODAY. The exhibition is held under president of the Czech Republic (7.9.-2.10. 2016) Prague Castle, Prague 1, CZ. I don‘t recant‚ The exhibition is held under president of the Czech Republic. (2015) France, Paris, Rue de Thorigny, gallery Contemporary art - Les Toiles de L´eté 2013 Trienále, Rabas gallery, 1.8.-1.9. 2012 France, Paris, Rue de Thorigny – Le Salon de Novembre 2009 France, L'Espace Champerret - Salon Independants 2007 Italy, Rome, Basilica Santa Croce in Gerusalemme - La Bibbia ceca nel corso dei secoli Belgium, Brussels, Presidents‘Gallery-European France, Paris, Grand Palais, Champs Elysées Clémenceau - Art en Capital 2007 Commission - Czech Bible through the Centuries France, Paris, L'Espace Champerret - Salon Independants 2006 National Museum in Prague- Winton train Prague 1, Karolinum gallery - Czech Bible t. t. C. Czech Embassy in Austria, Vienna– Mädel Knödel Prague 1 – Kampa, Lichtenstein garden Verszém, Cellar Gallery, Art house, H-8200 - W Prague 1, Václavské nám. 13, Gallery art factory - Chaos Oronsko-Ostrava - MIEDZINARODOWE WARSZTATY RZEZBIARSKIE - MY - WY - RAZEM Prague 1 Jungmannova ul. 21- 4+4+4, 2006 Prague NKP Vyšehrad, Gorlice - Lughnasadh 2005 Prague 1¸ Gallery Mánes - Josef Mánes - VŠUP Today Prague 2 Kateřinská zahrada -Nic na odiv ...? Castle Křivoklát -Návrat ztracených soch Castle Kačina - Lughnasadh 07 Concrete, 2007 Contemporary project, Museum in Čelákovice, CZ Castle Křivoklát – Rrromantika Prague, in Gallery Portheimka with gallery VIVO - Czech sea, 2014 Since 2012, she regularly exhibits in the Rabas gallery at the annual exhibitions of Central Bohemian artists. and a lot of other exhibitions... SOLO EXHIBITIONS: Zuzana Čížková, paintings, sculptures on the occasion of the launch of her book, Bím bar loung, Dobřichovice ( November 2022) Kousek cesty (A little way) (2017), Galery 9, Vysočany Town Hall, Sokolovská street, Prague 9 Trip in Brandýs (2016), club Kočár, Brandýs castle carriage house Painting Zuzana Čížková (2017), Hellichova ulice, kostel sv. Vavřince, Praha 1 (v areálu Pražského jara) Painting Zuzana Čížková (2016), Hellichova ulice, kostel sv. Vavřince, Praha 1 (v areálu Pražského jara) Finfest, vysočanská, Praha 9 (2022) Romantic landscape (2015), Creative Gate, Jindřišská pasáž, Praha 1 C‘est moi - moje cesty 2014 Galerie Klatovy Klenová, castle st. Vavřinec Siskin at nightingale, 2010 Rašínovo nábřeží, Prague, CZ Altars of sacrificed time, 2004 Galleri in Chapel Jan Nepomucký, Jungmannovo náměstí, Prague 1 - sculptures by Zuzana Čížková, photography by Radim Beznoska, CZ Concrete, 2007 Contemporary project, Museum in Čelákovice, CZ Unconventionally classic, 2002 Museum in Čelákovice, CZ Fancies police lieutenant colonel2014 Police museum, Ke Karlovu 1, Prague 2 (with Rudolf Čížek) CZ Up to the ears in the concrete, 2010 Hradec Králové ( in international concrete seminar ), CZ Mémoire du Futur - Memory of future, 2007 NKP Vyšehrad, Prague, CZ Plastic illusion, 2004 Regional Museum for Prague - East in Brandýs nad Labem, CZ Sculpture in trip , 2004, Mariánské Lázně ABOUT ARTISTS: Although she was born in Prague, I was raised in Brandýs nad Labem in Central Bohemia. During my childhood, I was inspired by my grandfather who was an art restorer. She studied at High school of sculptures and stone-cutting in Hořice at the foothills of the Krkonoše mountains. After finishing high school, she studied Spatial Creation/Bronze Sculpture in Zlín and after a year left her studies to work in the studio (Olbram Zoubek studio) and at the same time traveled to Italy and Switzerland to the Stone studio Josef Stehlík and Ludwig Stocker. Since 2003 she collaborating with Research Institute of cement - mortar in Radotín (part of Prague). Thanks to them I was discovering of new and non-traditional concrete (cement-mortar mixture) in my artworks. Together we are working up material known already in Antic Greece. She was also acquiring experiences at work internships in Switzerland, Italy and France. In 2005 she was selected as a representative in Paris of young Czech artistes less than 30 years old. I took part as representative of the Czech Republic of 116th edition of the Salon des Artistes Independants. Only one representing artist of each EU country was allowed. In French capital, she twice took part in the Salon des Artistes Independants (2006 and 2007) She took part three times in the Salon des Artistes Independants. Later I was invited there by the French organisers or by private art galleries. Later she continued her studies at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, in the Studio led by Professor Kurt Gebauer; I graduated in 2010. In the year 2009 she received the Winton Train Award – "Inspiration by Goodness Prague – London". She have created dozens of sculptures put in landscapes (for example in Spálené Poříčí, at Brandýs nad Labem Castle in Poděbrady or in Prague - Prosek and Prague - Smíchov.) I exhibit her paintings in Czechia and abroad, they are presented at temporary exhibition or permanent collections. She exhibited her works in many prestigious galleries in the Czech Republic and abroad. One of the main themes of her work, for which she received art awards and was the first in Europe to create a sculptural realization of this theme for the public, is sign language and the finger alphabet. He has been implementing this motif since 2001 to the present. Since 2012, she has been painting modern landscapes and figurative paintings criticizing the lifestyle of so-called advanced civilizations. (Robots, Birth, Romantic landscape of the 21st century) . Since 2016, life circumstances have led her to create motifs in parallel, floating over the landscape, fast flying at high altitudes and fantastic, even surrealistic motifs (cycles of images Trips N, Horizon of Events). Čížková's work is very diverse in terms of themes and concepts, which may initially confuse many visitors, and in some cases they may be frightened by the color gradients of some paintings. The number of exhibitions and other presentations of her work to the public is also a rich garden, when we realize at what age she managed to do everything. Zuzana Čížková also known as Zuzana Klára Čížková(born 10 December 1982) is a Czech sculptor and painter. Zuzana Čížková in 2017 Although born in Prague , Czechoslovakia , Zuzana Čížková was raised in Brandýs nad Labem in Central Bohemia. During her childhood, she was inspired by her grandfather who was an art restorer. She studied at High school of sculptures and stone-cutting in Hořice at the foothills of the Krkonoše mountains. Madonna's Secret - three stone sculptures in Prague- Prosek . Later she continued her studies at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague , in the Sculpture Atelier led by Professor Kurt Gebauer ; she graduated in 2011. During and shortly after her high school studies Zuzana Čížková specialized in traditional technologies and materials (stone and gypsum). Later on, she started to experiment with materials she had already employed earlier in her education. She was discovering of new and non-traditional concrete (cement-mortar mixture) which she achieved in cooperation with the Research Institute of cement - mortar in Radotín (part of Prague). Mistress of the Emperor Rudolf II - concrete, Brandýs nad Labem She caught the attention of the audience, not only in Czech Republic, but also in France. In Paris , she twice took part in the Salon des Artistes Independants (2006 and 2007) as a representative of young Czech artistes. Later she made exhibition with a French painter Valexia. Zuzana Čížková also participated at two interships in Basel in Switzerland and Carrar Quarry in Italy. In the year 2009 she received the Winton Train Award – “Inspiration by Goodness Prague – London”. She has created dozens of monumental sculptures for public areas (for example in Čížkov, Ostrava —Landek, Brandýs nad Labem, Poděbrady , Prague - Prosek and Prague - Smíchov .) VYPISY VYSTAV: Praha 6, Dejvice, ČVUT, Jugoslávkých partyzánů, Cesta za Duhou, 3-24. 11. 2022 Rabasova galerie Rakovník, Členská výstava, středočeské sdružení výtvarníků, 11. 9.-23.10. 2022 Beroun, Městská galerie v Berouně, 30.11.-30.12. 2022 Slovensko, Žilina, Auction House Groma s.r.o. , Významné diela súčasného slovenského a českého umenia, 1.2.-30.4. 2021 Od roku 2012 pravidelně vystavuje v Rabasově galerii na každoročních výstavách Středočeských výtvarníků.
- Introduction | Zuzanacizkova
Zuzana Čížková ,,Art can be a small gateway to big goals." Painter and sculptor Zuzana Čížková is a graduate of the University of Applied Arts in Prague, Departments of Liberal Arts and the Secondary School of Stone Sculptors in Hořice in Podkrkonoší. She completed professional internships in Italy, Switzerland and France. She exhibited her works in many prestigious places in the Czech Republic and abroad, for example in the Presidential Gallery in Brussels, in Karolín in Prague, in the Grand Palace in Paris and at other prestigious Paris exhibitions, twice in the Royal Garden of Prague Castle. She has won several art awards and her sculptural realizations, which are based on free creation, not commissioned orders, can be seen in Prague 9 (3 stone Madonnas Madonna's secret) also in Prague 5 (relief Inscription in sign language), in Brandýs nad Labem (a statue of Milenko Rudolf II.), in Poděbrady and in other cities. Smaller works, especially paintings with chamber sculptures, are represented in private and state collections in the Czech Republic and abroad. From 2010 to 2023, the prices of her paintings, sculptures, evaluated drawings and lithographs. More Zuzana Čížková's work may seem to be very diverse. The opposite is true. More than twenty years basic themes connect her sculptural and painting work. COMMUNICATION AND SYMBIOSIS OF NATURE WITH A HUMAN BEING Start Now Zuzana Čížková's work may seem to be very diverse. The opposite is true. More than twenty years basic themes connect her sculptural and painting work. COMMUNICATION AND SYMBIOSIS OF NATURE WITH A HUMAN BEING Start Now Start Now Contact I'm a Subtitle. Click Here To Edit Me
- EmptyGalery | Zuzanacizkova
Zuzana Čížková - galerie working in progress
- Contact | Zuzanacizkova
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- Svinka řádí | Zuzanacizkova
more on The hog is on a rampage The hog is on a rampage author of the theme and illustrations Zuzana Čížková the author of the text is Jana Laňková more The fairy tale book Svinka raðí is printed in a typeface suitable for dyslexics and dysgraphics, and the concept of the entire text is adapted to pupils with these educational needs. The story takes place in a picturesque town by the river Berounka, in the immediate vicinity of the Dobrichovice castle, in the world of small animals and especially land crustaceans called pigs, which not only children like to call "pigs". In the stories, in addition to interesting things from nature, children learn, for example, how to proceed when their friend starts drowning, how important it is to be able to work together in a team, how important the sun and healthy movement in the fresh air are for our health, interest in our surroundings, proper eating and, last but not least, positive thinking. The book also introduces our young readers to the important fact that we are all different, we have different strengths, abilities and our important role, and therefore we should respect each other. The publication is intended especially for children in the first grade of elementary school, but it will also please older readers when reading together. The text is supplemented with many beautiful illustrations of plants, animals and the Dobrichovice castle. Magically, even poetically described corners of the unconventional garden of the painter and sculptor Zuzana Čížková develop children's imagination and the ability to speak and write colorfully. about the authors M.Sc. Jana Laňková received her university education in the field of Andragogy at the Jan Amos Comenius University in Prague. She currently has three adult daughters and two grandchildren. He is interested in the history of the security forces of the First Republic. He regularly publishes in the magazine Policista and participates in conferences of police historians at the Museum of the Police of the Czech Republic. MgA. Zuzana Čížková is a sculptor and painter living in Dobřichovice, originally from Brandýs nad Labem. She is a graduate of the University of Applied Arts in Prague, she has exhibited her works in many prestigious places in the Czech Republic and abroad. Although he also has a pedagogical education and experience, he has devoted most of his professional career mainly to creative work. Her sculptural works can be seen in several cities in the Czech Republic, for example in Prague, Brandýs nad Labem or Poděbrady. She devised and implemented several workshops, e.g. the Beautiful Speech project, which can be viewed on iVyslínia Czech Television or from the link on the website. Also thanks to her son, Zuzana decided to create a book of fairy tales set in the surroundings of their home, which forms a view of the Dobrichovice castle and the magical garden of their house. BSc. Samuel John King Graphic designer with experience from the Czech Republic and England. Sponsors of the book We thank the sponsors and supporters of our book, who did not hesitate to help with the publication of a fairy tale for children in this difficult time grant from the City of Dobřichovice ing. Michael Pánek - representative of the Central Bohemian Region DOB - Invest as media partner is: Dobnet zs book sale You can buy the book in bookstores Kosmas , Books by Dobrovský, LUXOR and others (later also in smaller stores in Poberuní) - 23/11/2022 from 17:30 at Bím Bar & Lounge in Dobřichovice at the book launch -26. 11. 2022 at the Advent markets in the grounds of Dobřichovice Castle 10:00 - 18:00. - in the Information Center of the city of Dobřichovice, May 5, 912 Info center - Official site of the city of Dobrichovice (
- Performance | Zuzanacizkova
PERFORMANCE sorry, the website is not finished yet
- Objects | Zuzanacizkova
Cycle ELECTROFAITH-objects sorry, the website is not finished yet She realized and exhibited objects made of electrical materials in the form of objects and posters in Czech Republic and abroad (Vyšehrad in Prague, Rome) in the years 2005 to 2016. These works are no longer available or are a non-saleable part of the author's depository. A monumental acrylic painting on canvas, glued on a wooden board and lowered into a structure with the possibility of placing the object in the space, with the name KAREL IV TODAY/KAREL IV DNES. This painting object was realized by Čížková for the exhibition at Prague Castle, under the same name (KAREL IV TODAY). With this work, the author reflected on the present time, when most of the contemporary and historical personalities, many people search for in search engines using tablets and similar devices. At the poster titled 17 moved in the social and cultural theme to her family, to her beloved mother, with whom she has a good relationship and she fit her as her closest person into the role of an electro creature that changes our perception and attitudes not only towards ourselves, but also towards our nearest and dearest surroundings. Between 2006 and 2023, Elektrokříže traveled to many exhibitions in the Czech Republic and abroad in the form of objects and prints.
- Robots | Zuzanacizkova
Cycle: WE ARE NOT ROBOTS The author created the first paintings on the motifs of "robots" as oil paintings on canvas and plates as early as 1998, where her friends from the Brandy motorcycle club were her models for these figurative paintings. Two years later, these paintings were part of her first solo exhibition Untraditionally Classical (year 2000), in the Čelákovice Municipal Museum. After a long break, she returned to this motif around 2007, when in her paintings she began to more deeply address issues of symbiosis with nature, but also the messages of church representatives and the power of faith for individuals. And in recent years, most often life goals and the ways to achieve them, of a person living in modern times. But also the power and indispensable importance of emotions. In a nutshell. We live without symbiosis with Mother Nature, without faith in ourselves and in a time where it is modern to correct natural feelings with reason. And that will backfire on us, because we are not robots:)) This cycle of paintings was presented at exhibitions in the Czech Republic and abroad and is one of the main themes of the documentary produced by Czech Television directed by Hana Pinkavová: Zuzana Čížková sculptor and painter.
- Drawings Illustration Lithograph | Zuzanacizkova
Trips in between times - limited edition of six paintings Trips to the Middle Ages, an oil painting on canvas is in the permanent exhibition of the Velorex museum. The second Velorex is the only one from this cycle of paintings for sale in the SOCHARIUM gallery. Remaining images with cars: Velorex, blue and red Beetle and yellow Porsche, are also no longer available for sale.
- Event horizon | Zuzanacizkova
Cycle: EVENT HORIZON The paintings from the Horizon of Events cycle have been painted by the author since 2020 and are a combination of her older cycles Romantic Landscape of the 21st Century, Trips N and Birth. Inspired by pointilism, some paintings suggest elements of futurism, and in the use of colorful and often unmixed colors, the author influenced by Fauvism. The most important milestone of this cycle of paintings is especially a new important stage in the author's life, because her son is already helping her with some paintings. Heavy layers of color on the canvases gradually moving towards a common point in the distance, they outline the colorful and fast, even sometimes shaky paths of the lives of each of us, always moving forward :)
© 2022 Zuzana Čížková, webdesign Samuel John King